1. Eligibility
Artists from the slums or those making stories about or for the slums in Kenya are invited to participate.
To be eligible for the competition, Entries must be original work of the entrant; may not contain any copyrighted elements (other than as owned by the Entrant); must be suitable for publication; and may not infringe the rights of any person.
2. Submissions
Artists will have one month to write, edit, shoot and submit their art piece. Completed films, recorded poems or photo stories can be submitted via Film Freeway or email: asmokenya@gmail.com before the DEADLINE on 30th September 2020.
3. COVID-19
ASMO will comply with the Ministry of Health guidelines on COVID-19 in organizing this event. Artists are also asked to do the same.
4. Selection of Winners
Entries will be judged by a process in which an experienced and qualified panel of judges will evaluate the eligible entries based on the following judging criteria:
Artistic Merit (e.g., Story, Creativity, Entertainment Value) (45%)
Information and education merit (25%)
Technical Merit (30%)
The top three entries in each category will be declared the winners. ASMO has the sole right to decide all matters and disputes arising from this Challenge and that all decisions of ASMO are final and binding.
5. Total Running Time
The finished work should conform to the following:
Film should be maximum 5 Minutes (including closing credits)
Photo story maximum of 20 images
Spoken Word piece of maximum 3 minutes
6. No Pre-Screening Distribution
The Entrant should not distribute their entry in any way prior to the end of the challenge in November 2020. This includes uploading the video to any website or social media platform, screening, performance or exhibition
7. Production Costs
All costs associated with the production of the Entry are solely the responsibility of the Entrant.
8. Terms of Submission
By submitting an Entry into Mtaa Challenge, each Entrant warrant and represents that the Entrant owns all rights to the Entry he/she is entering in this Project, including, without limitation, the video, audio, photo. Print or digital recording, and the performance contained in each Entry.
Each Entrant further warrants and represents that the Entrant has obtained permission from each person who appears in the Entry to grant the rights to the Project Parties described in these Official Rules, and will submit copies of such permissions to ASMO.
By submitting an Entry, Entrant agrees to the Official Rules, and further agrees to indemnify and hold ASMO, its staff and its project partners, harmless from any and all claims, damages, expenses, costs (including reasonable attorneys’ fees) and liabilities (including settlements), brought or asserted by any third party against due to or arising out of the Entrant’s Entry materials in this Project.
9. Designated Team Leader
If any group of individuals elects to collaborate on an Entry, they are required to designate one (1) person as the agent of the group to enter the entry, agree to these Official Rules, sign the Terms of Agreement and accept the prize on behalf of the group. Neither ASMO nor any of the Project Parties are liable for any disputes between collaborators arising out of or related to the Project.
10 Use of Art works by ASMO
The entrant agrees that, should his or her art work be shortlisted, ASMO has a right to:
i) Include the artwork in ASMO and its partners’ promotional materials including reports,
media releases, websites and social media pages.
ii) Show, display and perform the artwork in its entirety during the Award Ceremony,
and during any other challenge event. Notification of such screenings, exhibitions and
performances will be communicated to the submitter.
b) Submission of the entry form implies the acceptance of all submission regulations above.
A network organization advancing Media, Arts and Culture among marginalized communities and socially excluded groups for total transformation of Afrika.